The Theory of [Progress]
Over the past decade, I have experienced many successes and failures (mostly failures). With each come ups and downs; highs and lows. Regardless of how high I have been or how low I have gone, two questions have always occupied my attention. Why are we here and where are we going? Chances are that if you are reading this, you have also pondered these questions.
[Why are we here?]
I have come to believe, with every fiber of my being, that we are not here by chance but for purpose. Some of the greatest leaders and authors of our day have echoed this same idea. Those that lead a purpose-driven life have reported higher levels of happiness, joy and peace. For three years now I have actively asked others to define their purpose; inevitably, I always receive the same answer - to love. No, the answer is not always explained using the word "love" but love is always the root of a person's purpose. What is your? If it has something to do with 'helping others' then you are here to love.
[Where are we going?]
Once I realized that we all share in the purpose of love, I started to wonder about the end-game of love. Why are we here to love one another? The answer is simple: by loving, we serve others; by serving others, we create value; by creating value, we contribute to the advancement of Creation or The Greater Good, which pleases The Creator. By loving others, we contribute to the strongest force on the planet - evolution. By 'evolution' I mean the forming of mankind into an ideal being. This is what we were intended to be and this is what we will chase until the end of time. If each person focuses on becoming their ideal-self, we will make huge leaps towards the ideal. By forging the seven virtues of progress within, each person becomes their ideal-self.
On a broader level; think about the most successful businesses; those that have sustained the test of time by doing meaningful work and building meaningful relationships. Each of these ventures has contributed to the Greater Good in some form or fashion. Each has "loved" their customer, putting the good of their customer before short-term gain. Therefore, not only should each individual aim at developing the seven virtues of progress, but so should businesses and their respective teams.
On a broader level; think about the most successful businesses; those that have sustained the test of time by doing meaningful work and building meaningful relationships. Each of these ventures has contributed to the Greater Good in some form or fashion. Each has "loved" their customer, putting the good of their customer before short-term gain. Therefore, not only should each individual aim at developing the seven virtues of progress, but so should businesses and their respective teams.
The [7] Virtues of Progress
The Three [Primary] Virtues
LOVELove is the ultimate goal; it is why we run. If you commit to Love, its fruits are happiness, peace, and compassion. Love demands kindness and feedback; it fosters reciprocity and remains generous to all; Love is friendship and communion.
DEVOTIONFreely devote your entire self to goodness (the Greater Good) for the short-term and long-term. Strive to keep this devotion and live on it, but also profess it, confidently by spreading it to others.
CONFIDENCEConfidence will keep you from discouragement; it will sustain you during times of abandonment; it will open up your heart with eternal gratitude. One can be confident when they have devoted themselves to love for they have aligned themselves with the Greater Good and cannot be defeated.
The Four [Secondary] Virtues
CAUTIONCaution guides the other virtues by setting rules and measures. Caution is not to be confused with timidity or fear, nor with dishonesty or disguise. With Caution you will apply the other principles to particular cases without error and overcome confusion between good and evil..
INTEGRITYIntegrity consists in your obligation to give what is due to your Creator and to your neighbor and to yourself. With integrity, you will respect the rights of all and desire to establish, within human relationships, the harmony that promotes equity with regard to others and to the Greater Good.
GRITGrit ensures firmness in difficulties and consistency in the pursuit of that which is good. Grit strengthens the resolve to resist temptations and to overcome obstacles in your life. Having grit will enable you to conquer fear, even fear of death, and to face trials and persecutions.
SELF-DISCIPLINESelf-discipline moderates your attraction to worldly pleasure and provides balance in the use of created goods. It ensures your mastery over instincts and keeps your desires within the limits of what is honorable. With self-discipline, you will be able to direct your appetites toward what is good.
Reece |
Fulcrum |
The Gindstone |